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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Winsock Proxy


1) Visual Basic
2) Winsock Control
3) Working proxy server

Why use proxies ?

It is very useful if you are making a website flooder / attacking tool. I've seen plenty of programs that connect directly to the target site. It's probably the dumbest thing you can do. It'd be a simple matter for the web host or even the webmaster of the target site to find your IP address.

Let's get started.

Open Visual Basic and add Winsock Control , Command button and 2 text boxes to your form.

Rename Controls:

-Winsock = wskProxy

-TextBox2 = txtPort

-TextBox1 = txtServer

-Command Button = cmdConnect

The code.

To txtServer you add the proxy server and to txtPort you add the proxy's port number.

Private Sub cmdConnect_Click()

With wskProxy
.Close ' We close our socket. Just incase
.Connect txtServer.Text, txtPort.Text ' This connects to proxy server
End With

End Sub


Note: This is just an example of a simple GET function.
The best tool that lets you see GET / POST headers is a packet watcher.
I recommend using a SocSpy or Commview.

Private Sub
ThePage As String, TheHost As String

ThePage = "" ' Here we usually put something like this. Ex: "programs/vb/"
' Basically it's a file that we are requesting.

TheHost = "" ' Now this is the host, that's where the file is.

' And here comes the HTML header

.SendData "GET /" & ThePage & " HTTP/1.1" & vbCrLf
.SendData "Accept: text/plain" & vbCrLf
.SendData "Accept-Language: en-us" & vbCrLf
.SendData "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" & vbCrLf
.SendData "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)" & vbCrLf
.SendData "Host: " & TheHost & vbCrLf
.SendData "Connection: Keep-Alive" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
End With

End Sub

' This Sub is not that important unless you need to see the incoming data

Private Sub wskProxy_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
Dim strData As String

wskProxy.PeekData strData, vbString, bytesTotal

End Sub


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